KUCI: Half Past Five

A Classic Variety Show with Contemporary Sensibilities

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Episode 5: Thoren Jorgensen

Friday Jun 07, 2019

Friday Jun 07, 2019

Thoren Jorgensen (Pronounded JOR-GEN-SEN or YOR-GEN-SEN [Whicher you prefer is technically phonetically correct, isn't that neat??]) is an exceptionally gifted filmmaker and all-around creative wiz, who is also currently the audio-engineer behind the upcoming indie game, "Blinded." We discuss his work on the game, as well as have have a breezy- albeit pretty rambly- chat about horror movies and Thoren's upbringing in what was basically a real-life Sam Shepard play.

Episode 3: Ian Ring

Friday May 10, 2019

Friday May 10, 2019

Ian Ring is both an indie video game developer and a former roommate of mine back when we were both squeaky-voiced and adorably optimistic college freshman. Wow! Talk about a double-whammy of topics to discuss, amiright??? Truth be told, we pretty much stuck to the stuff that people actually care about though: Ian's upcoming game, "The Friend-Ship," his history working in the video games industry, and Applebee's. Give the show a listen to see what I'm talking about. Also, I again am unfortunately unable to play Javier Gramajo's music in this episode, so to hear some of his stuff for yourself, check out: https://soundcloud.com/javiergramajo

Friday Apr 26, 2019

Josh Feder and Sara Rodriguez are two remarkable young directors with clear visions and an admirable willingness to take risks. Their latest risky venture? Directing condensed, one-hour cuts of some of the most coveted theatrical works of all time: Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet" and "A Comedy of Errors" for UC Irvine's Shakespeare Shorts Festival. On this episode, the two come on to discuss their time working on the shows, as well as their processes for condensing and cutting these celebrated plays. Alas, poor All Podcasts That Aren't "Half Past Five." I knew them, Horatio, but they ain't got diddly-squat on this show!

Friday Apr 05, 2019

On the first episode of "Half Past Five," I sat down with two creative powerhouses, Anthony Kalmeta and Richard Dulay, to discuss their work on the upcoming short film, "Overcast." We also discuss Anthony's impressive resume in the entertainment industry as well as Richard's inspiration for his eclectic brand of music, among other topics. Due to legal issues, I am unfortunately unable to include Richard's song, "Fears," on the podcast version of this episode, but you can access it right here: https://soundcloud.com/dontbearichard/dbar-fears - Give it a listen. It's a good'n, I promise!

Thursday Apr 04, 2019

Folks, I've never claimed to be a perfect man. I like to fight. I've gotten in deep with the "sharks." I've raided more than a few herds a cattle in my time. But I've always prided myself on a keen sense of honesty. This time, though, I've let you all down and broken several past promises to have this show uploaded online in podcast form. Well, I'm proud to say that I've turned over a new leaf, ladies and gentlemen. The podcast is finally here and the world is all the better for it, I hope. Without further adieu, pour yourself a drink, sit back, relax, and enjoy the smooth summer sounds of "The Talk Show Formerly Known as Half Past Five"...

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